[OBM Admin] gekko oauth2

Ferenc Attila ferenca at bnpi.hu
Mon Feb 6 10:07:53 CET 2017

Hi Miki,

I've tried the solution, you mentioned below in three browsers.

The results:

Firefox: Blank Page

M$ Edge: 500 HTTP error (can't load the page)

Google Chrome: Can't load the page

Can you help me?



2017. 02. 03. 14:08 keltezéssel, Bán Miklós írta:
> Hi Attila,
> fortunately the oauth upgrade a very special thing was, and I'm
> planning to change the authentication layer again....
> Visit the phppgadmin interface after you tried to send  the
> notification mail. Copy the "reactivate" string from "biomaps" database
> "users" table "gekko at openbiomaps.org" line. It is a 16byte long random
> string.
> Change the __CODE__ to the random string in the following url
> and copy it into your browser.
> Miki
> On Thu, 2 Feb 2017 21:44:47 +0100
> "Ferenc Attila" <ferenca at bnpi.hu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How can I update my password on a gekko without mail server?
>> It can't send link, and even it could, the only user was registered
>> with the gekko at openbiomaps.org <mailto:gekko at openbiomaps.org>  e-mail.
>> Therefor I can't log in on my gekko at home, after I installed the
>> update.
>> Thanks,
>> Attila

Ferenc Attila
természetvédelmi területfelügyelő
Bükki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
Dél-hevesi Tájegység

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