[Sysadmin] phppgadmin off and fail

Bán Miklós banm at vocs.unideb.hu
Tue Jul 11 13:32:24 CEST 2023


the phppgadmin Docker image has been archived, which is causing our 
Docker structure installation and reboot to fail.

There are two options to fix this, either you have to git the update, 
but do this carefully as it may overwrite local changes if there are any!
# cd /srv/docker/openbiomaps
# git pull
# docker-compose up -d

The other option is to modify the docker-compose.yml file
Comment out the block starting with phppgadmin: and then
# cd /srv/docker/openbiomaps
# vi docker-compose.yml
# docker-compose up -d

Write me, if you have any troubles,


Miklós Bán, PhD
MTA-DE Behavioural Ecology Research Group
Department of Evolutionary Zoology, University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Phone:  +36 52 512-900 ext. 62357


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