[Devel] [GIT] OpenBioMaps GIT repository, annotated tag lando-v3.0.0 created:

git at vocs.unideb.hu git at vocs.unideb.hu
Sun Oct 6 19:21:00 CEST 2019

    The project "OpenBioMaps GIT repository":

    The annotated tag, lando-v3.0.0 has been created
        at  c974109c626149bcb8ccec72eba046a970a0852a (tag)
   tagging  f52430c9a90e99cf9f9ceec6390ed45c45855194 (commit)
 tagged by  Gáspár Ákos
        on  Wed Mar 6 14:59:31 2019 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Lando version v3.0.0
Bán Miklós (116):
      New, clean OBM 3.0 prepared to publish on gitlab
      improved autocomplete search in filter box
      Optional overview map
      New summary function for grid page
      Maps added to data_sheet page
      singe apostroph error fixed in values
      css import for colour rings styles
      fixed regexp symbols in autocomplete box filter search
      colour ring box updates
      qgrids enabled on other tables...
      rotated leg image ref fixed
      missing private.php,cache.php files in supervisor fixed
      Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:openbiomaps/web-app
      Add LICENSE
      grid view / change process simplified and imporved
      SHP read error messages improved
      translations added
      Contributing file for public repo
      File upload process updated
      improved and fixed obfuncs in upload autofill fields
      add missing directory functon added
      Api form elements' order and names bug fixed
      multiselect & obfun things
      obfuncs moved from autofill cell
      colour-ring box fixes
      language drop-down menu fixing
      uploads obfun buttons' positions updated
      filter function added in upload table
      colour ring box updated
      degree minutes seconds upload formats updated
      Missing free-files-icons folder added
      cleaning in root-site dir
      sablon's structure updated
      Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:openbiomaps/web-app
      obm docker site: some polishing
      some fixes
      bug in creating new project fixed
      some documentation added
      colour-ring box updates
      create new project fixes
      data page's map updates
      create new project interface updates
      db_updates() function disabled
      Cleanup: Managing external libraries with the composer
      reload upload-file page fixed
      Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:openbiomaps/web-app
      sendmail added
      phpmailer instead of pear/mail
      create new project on docker fixed
      sorry , error fixed
      sorry ; error fixed
      missing file_connection trigger fixed
      global settings for Docker app updated
      Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
      current query table added to qgrids query
      utf-8 character issue of phpmailer
      Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:openbiomaps/web-app
      Upload table: help text over column auto collapsed
      new container class for mainpage grid
      interface.php take to pieces
      quote handling in edbox
      a surplus font setting removed
      noreply at localhost replaced ro noreply at openbiomaps.org in ReplyTo Addresses
      create new project fixes
      Two new global vars for ceating new project in Docker
      OBMS eliminating, http(s) fixes
      auto horizontal size for smallmap in grid-mainpage
      0 as NULL in list fixed
      Merge branch 'master' of vocs.unideb.hu:openbiomaps
      Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:openbiomaps/web-app
      Annoying user profile cache fixed
      case sensitive autocomplete text filter box updated to non-case-sensitive
      db structure updated
      MainPage Grid updated
      map area and filter area sizes and animations updates
      PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_VARIABLE) in /va... fixed
      custom box module updated
      invitation mail polished
      small fix
      The translatable upload description text over the form list has been embellished
      missing  fixed in taxonlist()
      Mainpage grid and mappage style improved
      default googe put back, ...sorry...
      google api restored...
      biomaps_1 | ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in biomaps_1... Fixed
      tab errors fixed
      module calls have become more systematic
      '' error fixed
      docker initial sablon project .htacess, private.map url fixes
      more https supports...
      Merge branch 'master' of vocs.unideb.hu:openbiomaps
      a box-filter fix
      module call fixes
      Merge branch 'master' of vocs.unideb.hu:openbiomaps
      map-page styleing updated
      syntax check dropped
      results_asTable fix
      Merge branch 'simple_default_module_call' of vocs.unideb.hu:openbiomaps into simple_default_module_call
      Merge branch 'master' of vocs.unideb.hu:openbiomaps

Bóné Gábor (12):
      Update role name on user name change
      drop_user completed with delete from projects_table
      Merge branch 'master' of vocs.unideb.hu:/home/git/openbiomaps
      manually merging new boxfilter branch
      Merge branch 'master' of vocs.unideb.hu:/home/git/openbiomaps
      Merge branch 'master' of vocs.unideb.hu:/home/git/openbiomaps
      download_restricted module
      simplified default modules
      simplified default modules
      Merge branch 'simple_default_module_call' of vocs.unideb.hu:/home/git/openbiomaps into simple_default_module_call
      module init method call when new module is added

Gáspár Ákos (15):
      Add .gitlab-ci.yml
      disable xdebug
      add /var/lib/openbiomaps volume
      add Dockerfile iconv and gd extensions
      composer vendor package management
      Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:openbiomaps/web-app
      docker: add composer package manager; add required php-zip extension
      use reverse proxy X-Forwarded-Port header in server_vars.php.inc
      Update Dockerfile to create openbiomaps.log
      docker: add supervisor.md
      rename root-site to biomaps
      move sablon project to biomaps
      fine tuning for lando, set variables
      lando initialized
      supervisor already moved to right place


OpenBioMaps GIT repository

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