[Devel] [GIT] OpenBioMaps GIT repository, annotated tag 2.2 created:
git at vocs.unideb.hu
git at vocs.unideb.hu
Tue Mar 27 14:36:10 CEST 2018
The project "OpenBioMaps GIT repository":
The annotated tag, 2.2 has been created
at 24316f4b6bda65d40abd8a437d155930296cd969 (tag)
tagging 6930820c15a75954c9c769bee37305af834e4b60 (commit)
tagged by Bán Miklós
on Tue Mar 27 13:01:16 2018 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Bán Miklós (321):
initial commit
dinpi stupid-geom module, zoom reset, langugage update...
result slide header imrovements
result slide header imrovements
result slide header imrovements
result slide header imrovements
track views, downloads and citations
cleaning ums_repos
ignored UMS_REPOSITORY dirs
photo viewer
photo viewer
photo viewer
photo manage
autofill trigger event for chrome
bug repair track data slides,compact table
geometry view on upload table, autofill; key movements; plusfill
upload geometry add from map changed to using geomtest.php
I have deleted branch dirs
Ez még mindig a 2.0 restore miatt van.
roller things testing
roller things two methods roller2 not finished, just an idea
result_table with roller functions
attach files to an existing data on data_sheet_loader
data_sheet_loader: photo_div
data_sheet_loader photo manage
1) results_builder reorganising
rollertable kiegészítések
slider - roller
temp_roll table instead of roll_array
temp_roll table instead of roll_array
temp_roll table instead of roll_array
slide - slider
slide - slider
slide - slider
stable rolling
stable/list switch
map reset
csv/gpx print from temp_query_*
getid can be complex id of different included tables separated by _ the first number is the maintable id
load saved api uploads
api upload
invitation number from local settings
rq rb object name in data-sheet page repaired
uploader.js: form küldés utáni default mezők ürítése
default_modules: translate module
A profile,pds_class,interface fájlokban a username -> family+givenname
afuncs date format
file manager
file manager
file manager
File manager
file manager
file manager
file manager
massive edit using query result
obm 2.0 updates
main page update, new project check
result slide detach
distance point
inroducing template_tables schema
change system_vars.php.inc location to /etc/openbiomaps/
nearest point selection
Senckenberg things:
file reading issues, extra parameters
user_id in GET type html request changed to a hash string
temporary_tables: improved delete for unused tables
summary page user id to hash
simlyfiing st_col columns
change to pgpconnect
many things
join tables improvements
join table improvements
in header_names array variable
multi file modules in project admin
starting with oauth
project query wrong query handling
project query wrong query handling
plenty of things, most of related with introducing oauth2 layer
R interface for PDS api
auto refresh token
silent work
NEW helper function:
dinamikus mező kezelés file feltöltéskor mint a webformban
some improvements of upload tables headers
some uplad table css improvements
gitignore how?
delete from git cache
delete projects/* from git cache
cleaning git
cleaning git
cleaning git
cleaning git
cleaning git
cleaning git
ez csak egy teszt változás Gábornak
teszt megint
teszt merge
geomtest: custom js include
this php file is the entry point of the pds queries in project level
upload: logikusan mérethezhető tábla
upload form min-max handling changed to
minmax kezelés numerikus/text feltöltésben
jogosultság kezelés reloaded
spatials in ()
map holder div positioning
header style
adding obm_cache function to handle
some explanations added
interface design
oauth: joined table support
pds multi table support using R-api
results slide scrollbar and height handling
main.js: slide sizing based on its content
track data,downloads,citations - add metrics function instead of using
Some improvements related to real multitable support
results_list module improvements:
track data view bug fix
Send mail about evaluations to user if data/upload/profile evaluated
upload tracking
profile query without pds call
bug fixes
new pds function introduced:
Now, the box_filter default module supports the nested filtering.
feop(fp) infinite loop bug fix related with bogous SHP files
shell_exec -> exec in command_exists... why?
token session_id expire - bug fix
update database column bug fix
handling time interval (mm:ss - mm:ss),time (mm:ss) and time-to-minutes (mm:ss) column types in upload forms
additional table definition warning related with header_names multi
Koszti's date and time format support:
bug fix related with multitable support:
api_params handling on project admin page. These are control paramters
supporint API uploads based on oauth2 authentication
supporint API uploads based on oauth2 authentication
supporint API uploads based on oauth2 authentication
Upload JSON using API
upload attachments using api
Query last upload/last 10 rows module
shared polygon settings - bug fixes
Added regexp match support for form text fields:
relation 'internal language'
adding inequality check to relation functions
Adding ST_Contains() control for geometry check.
time input type min-max testing support
Bug fix: load saved web form
consolidate modules - all module will be in sepate files...
module upgrades
bug fixes
Authentication mechanism replaced by OAuth.
Some cosmetics related with OAuth
last_data module reconsideration
Create_new_project: createing _rules table by default
Messages - reloaded
error messages bug fixes for api upload
adding blue beckground in admin interface to columns which have related column checks
"Soft error" option introduced beside error and warning messages in
Some cosmetics related with 'soft errors'
We solved some performance issues with Gábor:
working with simplified data/query layers
database columns ordering changed to the user specified order
column order of default fields
In results_ speed up creating temporary tables
Performance improvement of dynamic roll tables and list
performance improvements
new module: identify point
Mostly bug fixes,
afuncs: upload table ob_fun regexp.match bug fix
- "pseudo columns" as a new option creating upload forms added to the
3D table model implemented!
upload forms:
pseudo columns ready to testing! :)
some styling on upload interface
some bugfixes, js cleaning, style cleaning
some updates....
It is not OpenBioMaps any more :(
Colour rings on bird legs interface...
colour rings ...
t colour rings ..
colour rings....
Introduced new cell type in upload forms:
- some fixes related with colour rings
some styling on the upload interface
More possibilities in data access rules. The **_rules tables extended an
Sorry, it is long list again...
Here you are the most recent structure of the biomaps db tables
This file contains some sql patch related with the biomaps table
nested groups finished, however not tested...
species list table design improvements
bug fix
bug fix in create new group
h variable moved to maps.js but it was used in main as well...
some fixes and improvements
access rights - one more falvouring:
group management updated following the new simplified way.
in case of ACCESS_LEVEL=2 added access rights if data is world readable
improve query speed related to row based access rules changes
speeding results lists/tables by using inline access informatoins
using (mem)cache in access check - prevent repeated queries of access
1) custom sep and quote string for results_asCSV module. It can come from
- Implementing flexible query tables using SESSION current_query_table
roles instead of users+groups
biomaps sql structures and comments on changes
project table rules structure
an example trigger function for sophisticated rules handling
pds api improvements
api imporvements
new function: delete row on upload table using double-click on skip row
updates adn bug fixes
Some improvements related to projects' SQL functions
Structural changes:
language update
Drop groups error messages
uploading information in csv export
identify point button visibilit on map page now depend on the module
Merge branch 'devel_2.2' of vocsi:/home/git/openbiomaps into devel_2.2
allowed columns imporved handling: geometry restriction + allowed
Gábor's commits recommitted...
Merge branch 'devel_2.2' of vocsi:/home/git/openbiomaps into devel_2.2
Gábor's commit again.... :)
language updates
language updates
language updates,
csv upload metadata fixes
paperclip icon position in file upload - attachments column drop: bug
Gábor is, Miki is módosított
intropage and local_languge file handling
jsts.io javascript restore the old version
translations in identify point module
language change bug fix
Some auth error logging added
added support for the filter row translations from local language files
"jump to" behaviour improvements: scroll up and left to the target
fixed skip column (first upload table column)
file upload: improved jumplink behaviour and bugfixes
bug fixing in taxon update
Improvements in species names management interface:
change query/map tables in the main screen
conflicts merged
swith between tables:
Extra postgres connecting eliminated!
st_col function call changed to using current_query_table session
current_query_table applied in the openlayers available layer query
using common_message() in save column order ajax response
Some more JOINED table supports
Join table support in modules
common_message in uploading process
Lot of things. I forget to commit...
upload summary
taxon search with empty #taxon_sim input field: bug fix
date filter for month period: bug fixing if date 1 > date 2
Some project variables moved into db. This upgrade let project settings
Group management interface improved.
prepare_vars.php: security update
Create postgres user module
font-awesome 4.7.0 replaced 4.6.3 (the next release changed
modules access improved - now, group level access privileges are
new option in upload interface: upload file from web url
fixes in upload from URL
upload_funcs: some small performance related updates
Some message improvments in profile page:
some fixes related to the previous commit
updated excel days functions in upload sheet
New function: file upload template for xls sheets
dynamic select list ordering
results_builder: bug fix
Bug fix: geometry from wkt eov string
bug fix filesize check in php upload
upload_funcs.php: geom from coordinate bug fix
upload form editor improvement: select column by [obligatory,non-obligatory] radio buttons
Using joined tables <- improvements
Users many times upload EOV coordinates into WGS84 tables without set
There are some projects where colour/symbol classes are defined but map legends is missing. The mapserver can handle legends, so I put this feature into openbiomaps. It is the most simple legend display option yet: just put a legend box on the map area which automatcally created from the defiend map classes. It not supports multi layers yet.
upload,function js:
new api feature: get_project_list pds api call
receive mail settings buffix - in evaluation of data
Merge branch 'devel_2.2' of vocsi:/home/git/openbiomaps into devel_2.2
fixing: photo/file upload AJAX common_message() handling
I've changed the profile page links' behaviour. Now the links can
fixing profile link
I've reorganized the main page.
Gábor fotó ikon javításai
New felxible home/main page in progress...
flexible new mainpage improvements: now it is compatible with the
still working on flexible mainpage...
bug fix in new mainpage:
Some cleaning, R-shiny and Mainpage updates
Some cleaning and login error fix (Gábor's bug fix)
Merge branch 'devel_2.2' of vocsi:/home/git/openbiomaps into devel_2.2
Some cleaning, .htaccess files
trying to add docs as submodule, but I can't....
Great! docs works as submodule!
Bóné Gábor (12):
Merge branch 'devel_2.0' of vocs.unideb.hu:/home/git/openbiomaps into devel_2.0
custom_filetype module
bug fix - uploadings group = user_id
moved inline styling from unnamed div to styles.css
custom_filetype module -> pass filetype to module
results_specieslist modul bug fixing: When searching only for the
Fixing the bug created by the previous commit.
Show photos by connection id. Used at results compact table.
login - bugfix
gabor (1):
root (1):
main page
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