[Devel] [GIT] OpenBioMaps GIT repository, branch devel_2.0 updated: Now, the box_filter default module supports the nested filtering.

banm at vocs.unideb.hu banm at vocs.unideb.hu
Mon May 1 03:47:48 CEST 2017

    The project "OpenBioMaps GIT repository":

    The branch, devel_2.0 has been updated
       via  50734c04572eec9cf3e6395fd84bcae730fc5c5f (commit)
      from  a8a2a59141efe20fa1fe1e604e1ebd0a1440c002 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 50734c04572eec9cf3e6395fd84bcae730fc5c5f
Author: Bán Miklós <banm at vocs.unideb.hu>
Date:   Mon May 1 03:41:25 2017 +0200

Now, the box_filter default module supports the nested filtering.
Use the nested(table_name) paramater after the column name in the module
parameters to activate it.
E.g. If we have "places" and "subpalces" columns and we would like to
show only the corresponding "subplaces" if a place was choosen we have
to write the following line in the box_filter module's parameter:
It is a general solution for Robi's and Gabor's requests.


Summary of changes:
 libs/afuncs.php          |   45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 libs/common_pg_funcs.php |   27 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 libs/default_modules.php |   35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 libs/js/main.js          |   12 +++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

OpenBioMaps GIT repository

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