[Devel] [GIT] OpenBioMaps GIT repository, branch devel_2.0 updated: Adding ST_Contains() control for geometry check.

banm at vocs.unideb.hu banm at vocs.unideb.hu
Thu Jun 15 20:46:30 CEST 2017

    The project "OpenBioMaps GIT repository":

    The branch, devel_2.0 has been updated
       via  f35f27127c8c4a68821186e166060c0487e443d1 (commit)
      from  43ef5ac3b2c3da16710417bbdc97f54ee37919b7 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit f35f27127c8c4a68821186e166060c0487e443d1
Author: Bán Miklós <banm at vocs.unideb.hu>
Date:   Thu Jun 15 20:40:01 2017 +0200

Adding ST_Contains() control for geometry check.
This new 'spatial' function available for testing input geometry - Is
the given geometry is within the predefined range.
Put a WKT string to use this control function.
New column added to the project_forms_data table according to this new
function: 'spatial'

The 'length' column has been renamed to 'control' because it contains
the control function name.

There was a bug related to negativ WKT lon/lat coordinates. It has been


Summary of changes:
 libs/js/admin.js                |    4 +--
 libs/mod_project.php            |   25 +++++++++++---
 libs/project_admin.php          |   42 ++++++++++++++--------
 libs/upload_funcs.php           |   73 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 libs/upload_show-table-form.php |   30 ++++++++--------
 5 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

OpenBioMaps GIT repository

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