[Devel] [GIT] OpenBioMaps GIT repository, branch devel_2.0 updated: new module: identify point

banm at vocs.unideb.hu banm at vocs.unideb.hu
Sat Jul 29 02:41:06 CEST 2017

    The project "OpenBioMaps GIT repository":

    The branch, devel_2.0 has been updated
       via  1c783b73fce04a914e2869e9ab2a4c81e73ce5ec (commit)
      from  42bda54011bd747d34172a605f076afd5874c12f (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1c783b73fce04a914e2869e9ab2a4c81e73ce5ec
Author: Bán Miklós <banm at vocs.unideb.hu>
Date:   Sat Jul 29 02:38:07 2017 +0200

new module: identify point
recursive filters - now it is default, however it is controlable by the
SUBFILTERS local_vars option.


Summary of changes:
 libs/afuncs.php                        |   82 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 libs/common_pg_funcs.php               |   26 +++++++---
 libs/css/img/identify_point_off.png    |  Bin 0 -> 529 bytes
 libs/css/img/identify_point_offoff.png |  Bin 0 -> 586 bytes
 libs/css/img/identify_point_onoff.png  |  Bin 0 -> 1053 bytes
 libs/css/img/identify_point_onon.png   |  Bin 0 -> 593 bytes
 libs/default_modules.php               |   17 +++++++
 libs/interface.php                     |   43 ++++++++++-------
 libs/js/functions.js                   |   62 +++++++++++++++++-------
 libs/js/maps.js                        |   41 +++++++++++++++-
 libs/js/maps_functions.js              |   63 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 libs/languages/en.php                  |    2 +
 libs/languages/hu.php                  |    2 +
 libs/languages/ro.php                  |    2 +
 libs/main.js.php                       |    8 ++++
 libs/modules/identify_point.php        |   51 ++++++++++++++++++++
 libs/modules/results_specieslist.php   |    3 +-
 libs/query_builder.php                 |    3 +-
 libs/results_builder.php               |   37 +++-----------
 libs/results_query.php                 |   55 ++++++++++++++-------
 libs/upload_show-table-form.php        |   45 ++++++++++--------
 21 files changed, 412 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 libs/css/img/identify_point_off.png
 create mode 100644 libs/css/img/identify_point_offoff.png
 create mode 100644 libs/css/img/identify_point_onoff.png
 create mode 100644 libs/css/img/identify_point_onon.png
 create mode 100644 libs/modules/identify_point.php

OpenBioMaps GIT repository

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