[OpenBioMaps] obm-gekko-update release 1.27

Bán Miklós banm at vocs.unideb.hu
Fri Jun 16 17:36:03 CEST 2017

Dear OpenBioMaps Users,

OpenBioMaps gekko update 1.27-4 is out!

The 1.27 is an upgrade release, so it contains several new
features and bugfixes as well:

* upload form settings: spatial, regexp, time, min-max range and
  context-dependent checks as new control options. The latter option
  has own flexible syntax to define relations to other columns.
* oauth2 api interface: new functions:
	upload data from files
	bug fixes
     These API functions are implemented and documented in the obm-r
* upload web form: save form as template. 
* new module:  query last upload/last 10 rows
* code cleaning, comments


Best wishes,
Miklós Bán

Miklós Bán, PhD
MTA-DE "Lendület" Behavioural Ecology Research Group
Department of Evolutionary Zoology, University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Phone:  +36 52 512-900 ext. 62356

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